Key Shine dates

Registration for 2025
Now open

2025 entry form available
January 2025

Closing date for entries
Early May 2025

The Shine School Media Awards 2025
Monday 30th June 2025

Conditions of entry

  • The Competition is open to all secondary schools in England, Scotland, Wales,  Northern Ireland and Eire.
  • One magazine, newspaper, newsletter or internet publication per school can be entered into the Competition. Where an internet publication replicates the print product, both offerings may be submitted as one entry.
  • FIVE copies of the magazine, newspaper or newsletter must be provided when entering the Competition. If internet publications require a password or are otherwise protected, login details must be provided.
  • All publications, login details and supporting material must be received by the organisers by the closing date – see panel at right.
  • Yearbooks are not eligible for the Competition however; elements may qualify for individual categories.
  • The publication date of publications entered (including online) must be within the ‘school year’ of entry.
  • The publication must be a finished product (i.e. printed/high-quality photocopy) and not a concept. Note: If the publication is due to be printed after the closing date, the judges will be pleased to accept photocopies/proofs of the publication in the final stages of production.
  • The format of print entries must be that of a magazine or newsletter and can be stapled, wire-stitched or perfect-bound; they should be A5, A4, A3 or tabloid.
  • Ideally, the publication entered should be between 16 and 96 pages but a minimum of 8 pages will be accepted.
  • All rights remain with the entrants and the entering school but winning and shortlisted entries may be displayed at the awards ceremony and on the Shine and supporting partners’ websites; and as conditions of entry to the Competition and/or acceptance of any award a licence is granted to The Stationers’ Foundation for these purposes.
  • Judging will take place shortly after the closing date. The judges’ decisions are final and no judge will enter into conversation or correspondence about decisions that have been made.
  • Shortlisted entries will be informed by post and/or email.
  • Descriptions of the winner’s submissions and those on the shortlist will be published in connection with the Competition for promotional purposes and news reporting.
  • The Stationers’ Foundation reserves the right to disqualify any entry that shows evidence of plagiarism.
  • Entrants must pay due regard to copyright law, clearance and related issues and in particular, the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. The publishing industry takes plagiarism very seriously (for more information on copyright see). You must not include or in any way use any copyright material owned by third parties (including words, photographs, graphics, illustrations etc) without appropriate permissions. The sources and/or owners of third party copyright material used with permission must be clearly stated. Any un-credited material will be viewed by the judges as plagiarism and the entry concerned may be disqualified. A list of sources must be provided on a separate sheet of paper and must accompany your entry.
  • Persons completing entries commit that they are authorised to do so on behalf of the entering school.
  • It is a condition of entry to the Competition that schools have received appropriate permissions from the parents or guardians of children to contribute to entries and for such children to:
    i) enter the Competition.
    ii) attend the awards ceremony where the winner of the Competition will be announced and to be photographed at such awards ceremony.
    iii) for such photographs to be used to promote The Stationers’ Foundation, the Newspaper Society and PPA competitions/awards.
  • These terms and conditions are governed by and shall be interpreted in accordance with English Law. The place of the Competition and event is London. Any disputes arising in relation to the interpretation of these terms and conditions or in relation to any agreement of which these terms and conditions form part, which cannot be settled amicably, shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English Courts.