Shine news

A welcome to Shine 2017 from Ian Bennett, Master of the Stationers’ Company

Dear Nominees and Winners,

I am so delighted to welcome you today to Stationers’ Hall and this year’s Shine School Media Awards. At the Stationers’ Company all of us look forward to this day as it’s a chance to show off our magnificent Hall (everyone calls it Hogwarts when they visit for the first time!) and share it with you.

Why do we love to share it? Because we want you to return. I rmly believe that you are the future of our industries. We have an incredible history – for over 600 years designers, artists, writers and printers have joined forces under this roof to celebrate all we have in common.

Together I believe we will shape an extraordinary future. I firmly believe that you will be the ones to rise up to the massive challenge of creating the digital world of tomorrow with ideas and inventions not even remotely thought about today. We would very much like to help nurture your ambitions and help you make these ideas take shape.

It’s this mission that is at the heart of the Stationers’ Company and the Shine awards.

I would like to wholeheartedly congratulate everyone who has entered and become a nominee and in particular won an award today.

I can’t wait to see what you come up with next!

Ian Bennett
Master of the Stationers’ Company