17th December 2019
Happy Christmas from Shine

This is not the time of year to be badgering you about getting your entries ready for the Shine competition – we’re all on our knees crawling towards the sherry bottle / mince pies / chocs in this last week before Christmas!
However, a note to all Shine alumni and new entrants: the 2020 entry form will be launched on 1st January, ready for your teams to fill in and send to lovely Anneliese at shine@stationers.org. Closing date for entries is 8th May, so you have plenty time to mull it over. Remember to register first though.
On that brief note, we wish you all a very happy and relaxing yuletide holiday, and I will be in touch again in the brand spanking new year – Shine’s 10th anniversary! We are aiming on making it a corker (pop!)
Alison Strachan
Chair of Shine
Image credit: Gary Runn on Unsplash