6th September 2022
Rewarding communication skills

Shine is a national school magazine competition which seeks to recognise and reward outstanding communication skills in young people. It is free to enter and culminates in a central London awards ceremony where pupils from secondary schools across the country receive prizes which can and do lead to real opportunities in the communication industries.
If your school already runs a student publication – whether it is printed, digital, online or audio – you will be eligible to enter.
If your school does not yet offer its students a platform for self-expression then we strongly recommend that you start one this year! Having the skill to communicate effectively is essential for all young people, whatever future career they may end up in. A publication offers the opportunity to learn teamwork, to work to deadlines, to think about how to get a message across, and to express concerns or interests that are outside of curriculum restraints.
From cartoons to podcasts, feature writing to photography, design to editing, Shine seeks to encourage skill in communicating and to recognise young talent.
To get started we offer loads of advice on this website. You will also see past winners so you know what you are up against! Schools do not need a lot of money to enter Shine, just the willingness to manage and oversee a student production. Our winning schools come from all ends of the UK and all secondary school ages and abilities.
Over the coming weeks I will tell you more with testimonials from Shine alumni, teachers and experts from the industries, but I’ll leave you today with this from Nicholas Coleridge, who spoke at our 2022 ceremony:
‘I began my career as a journalist and publisher on a school magazine – and I think they are just about the most important thing a school can have… In my opinion, a school magazine is far more important that a new sports hall, or a tennis court, or a new school library or boot room, or any of the other things that schools sometimes long for. Whether it is printed on paper or presented on a website, it should actually be a government requirement for every school to have one.’
We wholeheartedly agree with Nicholas and look forward to hearing from you – please contact us at shine@stationers.org.
Till next time!
Chair of the Shine Committee