25th February 2020
Help to plan your Shine project

Back to school and I trust you all had a good half term and return to the fray refreshed and raring to go.
If you are looking for something extra this term to include in your English or Media Studies classes, we now have lesson plans free to download on this site.
We will be adding to these as the weeks go by, with the aim of giving your pupils the best chance of winning an award this summer. We draw the pointers from experts in the world of journalism who are doing this stuff every day, so we hope they will be of help.
And generally, I’d love to hear about how useful the website is to you as a tool and what we might do to improve the range of advice and information we offer. You can contact me at shine@stationers.org – I welcome feedback, whatever it might be!
…and if you haven’t already registered you can do so at the same time.
More from me in a couple of weeks, but in the meantime I look forward to hearing from you,
As ever, get in touch on email via shine@stationers.org
Alison Strachan
Chair of Shine