21st April 2021
Ask the expert: social media & great newspapers

Back to school but with the loosening up of lockdown I hope you all managed to see some family and friends over the last week .
Before launching our next two videos, I would like to alert you to the Shine closing date for entries, which is May 8th. This is the time to decide which categories you will be entering, honing those entry forms and getting them in – do let us know if you need any help with this on shine@stationers.org
To continue our mission to help your teams, I have today two more Ask the Expert videos for your delectation.
In this first one Millie Evans, of Term magazine from Tarporley High School, a multiple Shine School Media Awards winner, interviews Natasha Salmon, who is Social Media Editor of The i newspaper and the online publication https://inews.co.uk.
This pertinent session throws light on the power of social media to drive outreach, loyalty and engagement with your publication. For her money, Tash believes Instagram is the future although Facebook has the greatest readership at present. Have a listen here:
The second of today’s offerings features Professor Simon Heffer, newspaper columnist, Professor of History, author and ex-deputy editor of the Spectator and the Daily Telegraph. He is interviewed by the editorial team of The Martlet at Abingdon School: Rory, Sam and Lochlan. Simon has been a firm supporter of our Shine competition since the beginning and offers his dry, witty and incisive thoughts on what makes a great newspaper.
I do hope you find time to enjoy.
Till next time,
Shine Chair