18th November 2021
Forums and Glamour!

Hello from Shine!
Last time I promised news on the teachers’ forums we are setting up to aid those new to the process of managing a student project. The exciting news is that we are off and running with this initiative and the first forum takes place next week. Places on the first three sessions are already fully booked, so if you haven’t yet done so, and would find it useful to talk to other teachers about how they go about organising and managing their student publication, please get in touch with Anneliese on shine@stationers.org.
The forums take place via Zoom and will be hosted by Alan and Rosie, teachers who have overseen successful school publications, and Anneliese who administers the competition and manages our Shine event each year. They are scheduled for a friendly 4.30pm and will last up to an hour.
More exciting news is that a cracking social media workshop for Shine prize winners from Putney High School, hosted by Luca Wetherby-Matthews, who works at Glamour magazine as Social Media Assistant, should be free to view for all registered schools very soon. Luca’s expertise and understanding of how to use social media platforms is something that all students would benefit from, so watch this space for more info.
And if you haven’t yet registered for Shine 2022, why not? No really, let us know why not as we are keen to understand the difficulties some teachers may have in getting student projects off the ground and want to offer any help or advice that we can.
Till next time,
Alison Strachan
Chair of Shine